Naestved Kanal - Schwingbrücke

Navinfo near Næstved (Digterkvarteret)

Last edited 07.11.2023 at 16:53 by NV Charts Team


55° 12’ 51.2” N


11° 43’ 56.7” E


The bridge is video monitored and remotely controlled from the Karrebæksminde bridge.
Bridge opening for recreational boating takes place daily at 09:30, 13:30 and 18:30, additional opening at 20:30 (01.04.-30.09.).

Bridge Guard (Karrebæksmindebroen): VHF channel 12/16 or Tel. +45 55 44 20 45

red Passage prohibited
red_flash red_flash Opening in preperation for passage coming from north east.
red red Passage allowed for vessels coming from north east
red_flash red_flash red_flash Opening in preperation for passage coming from south west.
red red red Passage allowed for vessels coming from south west


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